ollege tuition, books, and fees aren’t the only things you have to budget when looking at the big picture of your college expenses. Living expenses add up, too. If you want to graduate without debt, you’ll have to be mindful of your spending habits. New clothes, the latest gadgets, food delivery, restaurants. All of these are cool, convenient — and can quickly empty your wallet. 

You might say, “Well, obviously. I’m not going to go out and buy the latest iPhone or a brand new pair of Air Jordans as an unemployed student.” Which, if you’re already thinking this way, is great. But these are obviously large expenses, and most college students already understand that big-ticket items are a poor financial decision. 

Let’s talk about the less obvious things. 

Even something as innocuous as ordering food delivery to your place a few times a week will quickly add up. Once you get to college, you’re going to come across Takeout Taylor. It’s the person in your dorm or apartment who doordashes their food every night, be it a Chick-fil-a sandwich or Chinese food. As you eat your sad bowl of pasta, you’ll find yourself thinking, “Ordering takeout that often is excessive, right? Or am I just too stingy? Should I order takeout more, too?”

No, you shouldn’t. You’re a student. Live like one.

Most of the time, it’s not the big expenses that I see college students struggling to avoid — it’s these smaller-ticket things like takeout and Starbucks lattes that don’t seem like much but end up costing a pretty penny when you look back at your spending at the end of the month.

Some days, of course, you’ll be too busy studying for an important exam to spend time cooking. That’s okay. Grades always come first. It doesn’t mean that you can’t plan ahead for these situations. Instead of ordering out, consider doing some simple meal preps prior to busy weeks. Freeze a few meals for those times when you’ll be too busy studying to cook. There are ways to make sure you’re eating well, even on the busy days, without spending a lot of money. 

As always, a healthy balance is key. I’m not saying you should never order takeout or that a drink at the bar on campus is going to tip you over the edge into loads of debt. I loved going to the local burger joint to treat myself after a challenging exam or grabbing a frappe to make the long hours of studying slightly more enjoyable. Worth every penny. 

Go to the campus diner with your friends. Just don’t buy the most expensive thing on the menu. Go to your local coffee shop and order that cappuccino if you want a change of scenery while you study. Just don’t make it a daily habit. And don’t forget that on-campus libraries are great, free places to study. And if you bring your own coffee in your water bottle, no one will ever know. 

Be frugal in your spending habits while you’re still in college and you’re likely to find that while Takeout Taylor will be paying off the interest on those pad thais well into their twenties, you’ll be enjoying the freedom that comes with a debt-free life.

Apr 29, 2023
College Living

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